Monday, August 31, 2009

The Busy Preschooler...

I picked up this book last week for my very bored preschooler who doesn't return to his two day a week school till next week. I must say it has some great ideas and has been worth every penny so far!

Today I decided to let him make some "flour drawings" by scooping flour into a sheet pan and letting him play in it. I obviously didn't read the word "sprinkle" in the directions, which is what I was supposed to do with the flour! Intead, I piled it high and let him have at it!

So, obviously, it made a bit of a mess! Fortunately, I'm not really one of those moms who can't stand a big mess and I figure it's nothing a vaccuum couldn't pick up! Needless to say, he loved it and hiscomment was, "Mommy, I could do this all day and all night!"

And now, several hours later, he's back at the table doing it all over again!


  1. Your a fun mom, can I play in it tooo?

  2. Wow that's a fun idea--smart thinking!

  3. We used to do that with corn meal :)
    You should also check out..
